Make your visual presentations look professional and communicate effectively. Get the latest most advanced techniques on graphic design principles, including page layout, typography and basic design considerations. Take away more skills to create an effective and beautiful visual presentation on any presentation software program that you choose.
CEUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $195
Price in CAD $265
One Month Course
Unit 1
Design Principles
Compare effective visual presentations vs. poorly executed visual presentations
Unit 2
Design Principles Part 2
Balance / Unity
Page Layout
Analyzing the work of a professional designer to draw inspiration
Unit 3
Your company’s brand, visually, core messaging (Analyze how to incorporate that into the presentation)
Inspiration Board
Concept / Theme of Presentation
Stock Images and Illustrations that communicate to target markets
Unit 4
Execute Your Visual Presentation
Getting Critiques for Improvement
Getting Feedback from Professional in your Industry / Target
Expanding presentation to different formats – web, info graphics, in-person