
Mary Dereshiwsky

Mary Dereshiwsky


Mary Dereshiwsky
 is an expert in online teaching and creator of the online teaching technique “continuous engagement.”  She is a professor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, where she teaches graduate courses online.  She has taught other instructors how to teach online for more than five years. 

Dereshwisky has also been on the graduate faculty of Capella University, written on the topic of online teaching, and given presentations at national educational conferences on the topic.  She critiques online courses for other instructors and is Chair of the Advisory Board for the Certified Online Instructor (COI) designation for the Learning Resources Network.

Professional Staff

Our professional staff are an experienced educators, mentors, and presenters with experience in instruction, course development, and face-to-face and online education. They have conducted highly engaging workshops in business writing, education, and faculty and professional development. They have helped traditional and non-traditional learners transform their approach to, and success in, writing.

William A. Draves

William A. Draves is one of the foremost authorities in the world on teaching online. More than 6,000 faculty and teachers have taken this course. He did his graduate work in education, with an emphasis on adult education, from The George Washington University in Washington DC.

Draves has taught for over thirty years, including teaching at the graduate level. His books include "How to Teach Adults," the most popular book ever written on the subject, and "Energizing the Learning Environment."

He has been interviewed by, The New York Times, NPR, NBC Nightly News, Washington Post, Virtual University News, Chronicle of Higher Education and other national media.

Draves is author of the book, "Advanced Teaching Online," which is used as the text book for this course. This course is part of the Certified Online Instructor (COI) designation, the most recognized certification for online teaching in higher education.

Course schedule

Advanced Teaching Online

  • Apr 7 – May 2
  • Jun 2 – 27
  • Sep 2 – 26

Designing Online Instruction

  • May 5 – 30
  • Jul 7 – Aug 1
  • Oct 6 – 31

Fostering Online Discussion

  • Apr 7 – May 2
  • Jun 2 – 27
  • Aug 4 – 29
  • Nov 3 – 28