515-256-4999 or 800-362-2127 ext. 4999


William A. Draves

William A. Draves, CAE,  is a chief executive officer of his organization, a Certified Association Executive, leader in his field, and acclaimed futurist.
In 2000 he and his colleague, Julie Coates, laid out nine shifts that would happen by 2020, in their book Nine Shift: Work, life and education in the 21st Century.
The BBC flew their global business reporter from China to their home to interview them for a half-hour program that aired worldwide to millions.
Draves has been in management and leadership positions in a variety of work and volunteer situations.  He has taught online for over twenty years, including teaching at the graduate level. With a particular interest in mentoring young people, he teaches a variety of leadership courses.
He has been interviewed by Wired.com, The New York Times, NPR, NBC Nightly News, Washington Post, Virtual University News, Chronicle of Higher Education and other national media.  Draves has spoken around the world, including Japan, Russia, Australia, Germany, Slovenia, Mexico, England and throughout Canada and the U.S. His TED talk has been heard by thousands.

Learn about the other courses which are part of the same certificate:

Next start date

Mar 3 – 28